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Thursday, April 24, 2014

One Day.

One day...

I will find the bottom of the laundry basket.
I will clean out my closet.
I will upload photos onto my computer.
I will order photos from said computer.
I will put those photos in an actual non-digital album.
I will buy complete sets of silverware.
I will own a tablecloth.
I will finish a thought. 
I will finish a novel.
I will have a manicure that is free of glitter.
I will not have Disney songs stuck on replay in my mind.
I will eat food that is still warm.
I will carry a small purse.
I will not spend Saturdays on soccer fields.
I will read the whole Sunday paper.
I will have a house that will smell clean.
I will take a walk without looking for fairies.
I will not have anyone asking me questions about dinosaurs while I'm driving.
I will remember where I left my tea.
I will walk across a room without stepping on a lego.
I will not have cleats and princess shoes lining the entryway.
I will have windows that won't be smudged with small fingerprints.
I will take a shower uninterrupted.
I will only grab my keys when I walk out the door.
I will bake a cake from scratch.
I will be on time. 

One day. All of that will happen in due time and that time won't have anything on the days I spend with you. So for now, in this moment, on this day, I am awake and present. I am yours. Let's have a day that is anything but boring.

love to you and to all things spring and blooming...

It is amazing what we can miss if we don't look up to the sky once in awhile...

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