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Friday, February 15, 2013

Momma's Got a Brand New Bag... Er, Blog

So it seems like it is about time for a new chapter in my life. One that includes wellness and writing and random thoughts about parenting and life, dusted with happiness and occasionally a little sprinkle of snark. You know, the raw and honest way of being. I am not aiming for perfection by any stretch of my being. Most days I'm really just trying to make it by floating with my head above water, my four young children still breathing and my husband not upset at how much I spent at Whole Foods. That is a great day and this is an amazing journey of glorious imperfection that I would love for you to join me on.

Cheers to us...


  1. Katie,

    So glad you started this... wish you all the best with your blog. As a mother, I know you will have plenty of stories to share. I started a blog several years ago, that I recently decided needed to be rekindled...yours just reminded me I need to share my recipes. Thank you,

    1. Sarah you are so lovely! So many thanks for reading and I would absolutely love to read your rekindled, recipe filled blog. Cheers to you...
